# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file as well as the whole tsfresh package are licenced under the MIT licence (see the LICENCE.txt)
# Maximilian Christ (maximilianchrist.com), Blue Yonder Gmbh, 2017
This module contains the Distributor class, such objects are used to distribute the calculation of features.
Essentially, a Distributor organizes the application of feature calculators to data chunks.
Design of this module by Nils Braun
import itertools
import math
import warnings
from collections.abc import Generator, Iterable
from functools import partial
from itertools import islice, repeat, takewhile
from multiprocessing import Pool
from tqdm import tqdm
from tsfresh.feature_extraction.data import TsData
def _function_with_partly_reduce(chunk_list, map_function, kwargs):
Small helper function to call a function (map_function)
on a list of data chunks (chunk_list) and convert the results into
a flattened list.
This function is used to send chunks of data with a size larger than 1 to
the workers in parallel and process these on the worker.
:param chunk_list: A list of data chunks to process.
:type chunk_list: list
:param map_function: A function, which is called on each chunk in the list separately.
:type map_function: callable
:return: A list of the results of the function evaluated on each chunk and flattened.
:rtype: list
kwargs = kwargs or {}
results = (map_function(chunk, **kwargs) for chunk in chunk_list)
results = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(results))
return results
def initialize_warnings_in_workers(show_warnings):
Small helper function to initialize warnings module in multiprocessing workers.
On Windows, Python spawns fresh processes which do not inherit from warnings
state, so warnings must be enabled/disabled before running computations.
:param show_warnings: whether to show warnings or not.
:type show_warnings: bool
if not show_warnings:
class DistributorBaseClass:
The distributor abstract base class.
The main purpose of the instances of the DistributorBaseClass subclasses is to evaluate a function
(called map_function) on a list of data items (called data).
Dependent on the implementation of the distribute function, this is done in parallel or using a cluster of nodes.
def map_reduce(
This method contains the core functionality of the DistributorBaseClass class.
It maps the map_function to each element of the data and reduces the results to return a flattened list.
It needs to be implemented for each of the subclasses.
:param map_function: a function to apply to each data item.
:type map_function: callable
:param data: the data to use in the calculation
:type data: iterable
:param function_kwargs: parameters for the map function
:type function_kwargs: dict of string to parameter
:param chunk_size: If given, chunk the data according to this size. If not given, use an empirical value.
:type chunk_size: int
:param data_length: If the data is a generator, you have to set the length here. If it is none, the
length is deduced from the len of the data.
:type data_length: int
:return: the calculated results
:rtype: list
raise NotImplementedError
class IterableDistributorBaseClass(DistributorBaseClass):
Distributor Base Class that can handle all iterable items and calculate
a map_function on each item separately.
This is done on chunks of the data, meaning, that the DistributorBaseClass classes will chunk the data into chunks,
distribute the data and apply the map_function functions on the items separately.
Dependent on the implementation of the distribute function, this is done in parallel or using a cluster of nodes.
def partition(data, chunk_size):
This generator partitions an iterable into slices of length `chunk_size`.
If the chunk size is not a divider of the data length, the last slice will be shorter.
Taken from
The important part here is, that the iterable is only
traversed once and the chunks are produced one at a time.
This is good for both memory as well as speed.
:param data: The data to partition.
:type data: Iterable
:param chunk_size: The chunk size. The last chunk might be smaller.
:type chunk_size: int
:return: A generator producing the chunks of data.
:rtype: Generator[Iterable]
# Make sure we have an iterable
iterator = iter(data)
# takewhile(true, ...) generates an iterator until the items are empty
# (= we have reached the end)
# The islice(iterator, n) gets the next n elements from the iterator.
# The list(...) makes sure we do not pass
return takewhile(
bool, (list(islice(iterator, chunk_size)) for _ in repeat(None))
def __init__(self):
Constructs the DistributorBaseClass class
raise NotImplementedError
def calculate_best_chunk_size(self, data_length):
Calculates the best chunk size for a list of length data_length. The current implemented formula is more or
less an empirical result for multiprocessing case on one machine.
:param data_length: A length which defines how many calculations there need to be.
:type data_length: int
:return: the calculated chunk size
:rtype: int
TODO: Investigate which is the best chunk size for different settings.
chunk_size, extra = divmod(data_length, self.n_workers * 5)
if extra:
chunk_size += 1
return chunk_size
def map_reduce(
This method contains the core functionality of the DistributorBaseClass class.
It maps the map_function to each element of the data and reduces the results to return a flattened list.
How the jobs are calculated, is determined by the classes
:func:`tsfresh.utilities.distribution.DistributorBaseClass.distribute` method,
which can distribute the jobs in multiple threads, across multiple processing units etc.
To not transport each element of the data individually, the data is split into chunks, according to the chunk
size (or an empirical guess if none is given). By this, worker processes not tiny but adequate sized parts of
the data.
:param map_function: a function to apply to each data item.
:type map_function: callable
:param data: the data to use in the calculation
:type data: iterable
:param function_kwargs: parameters for the map function
:type function_kwargs: dict of string to parameter
:param chunk_size: If given, chunk the data according to this size. If not given, use an empirical value.
:type chunk_size: int
:param data_length: If the data is a generator, you have to set the length here. If it is none, the
length is deduced from the len of the data.
:type data_length: int
:return: the calculated results
:rtype: list
if not isinstance(data, Iterable):
raise ValueError(
"You passed data, which can not be handled by this distributor!"
if data_length is None:
data_length = len(data)
if not chunk_size:
chunk_size = self.calculate_best_chunk_size(data_length)
chunk_generator = self.partition(data, chunk_size=chunk_size)
map_kwargs = {"map_function": map_function, "kwargs": function_kwargs}
if hasattr(self, "progressbar_title"):
total_number_of_expected_results = math.ceil(data_length / chunk_size)
result = tqdm(
_function_with_partly_reduce, chunk_generator, map_kwargs
result = (
_function_with_partly_reduce, chunk_generator, map_kwargs
result = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(result))
return result
def distribute(self, func, partitioned_chunks, kwargs):
This abstract base function distributes the work among workers, which can be threads or nodes in a cluster.
Must be implemented in the derived classes.
:param func: the function to send to each worker.
:type func: callable
:param partitioned_chunks: The list of data chunks - each element is again
a list of chunks - and should be processed by one worker.
:type partitioned_chunks: iterable
:param kwargs: parameters for the map function
:type kwargs: dict of string to parameter
:return: The result of the calculation as a list - each item should be the result of the application of func
to a single element.
raise NotImplementedError
def close(self):
Abstract base function to clean the DistributorBaseClass after use, e.g. close the connection to a DaskScheduler
class MapDistributor(IterableDistributorBaseClass):
Distributor using the python build-in map, which calculates each job sequentially one after the other.
def __init__(
self, disable_progressbar=False, progressbar_title="Feature Extraction"
Creates a new MapDistributor instance
:param disable_progressbar: whether to show a progressbar or not.
:type disable_progressbar: bool
:param progressbar_title: the title of the progressbar
:type progressbar_title: basestring
self.disable_progressbar = disable_progressbar
self.progressbar_title = progressbar_title
def distribute(self, func, partitioned_chunks, kwargs):
Calculates the features in a sequential fashion by pythons map command
:param func: the function to send to each worker.
:type func: callable
:param partitioned_chunks: The list of data chunks - each element is again
a list of chunks - and should be processed by one worker.
:type partitioned_chunks: iterable
:param kwargs: parameters for the map function
:type kwargs: dict of string to parameter
:return: The result of the calculation as a list - each item should be the result of the application of func
to a single element.
return map(partial(func, **kwargs), partitioned_chunks)
def calculate_best_chunk_size(self, data_length):
For the map command, which calculates the features sequentially, a the chunk_size of 1 will be used.
:param data_length: A length which defines how many calculations there need to be.
:type data_length: int
return 1
class LocalDaskDistributor(IterableDistributorBaseClass):
Distributor using a local dask cluster and inproc communication.
def __init__(self, n_workers):
Initiates a LocalDaskDistributor instance.
:param n_workers: How many workers should the local dask cluster have?
:type n_workers: int
import tempfile
from distributed import Client, LocalCluster
# attribute .local_dir_ is the path where the local dask workers store temporary files
self.local_dir_ = tempfile.mkdtemp()
cluster = LocalCluster(
n_workers=n_workers, processes=False, local_directory=self.local_dir_
self.client = Client(cluster)
self.n_workers = n_workers
def distribute(self, func, partitioned_chunks, kwargs):
Calculates the features in a parallel fashion by distributing the map command to the dask workers on a local
:param func: the function to send to each worker.
:type func: callable
:param partitioned_chunks: The list of data chunks - each element is again
a list of chunks - and should be processed by one worker.
:type partitioned_chunks: iterable
:param kwargs: parameters for the map function
:type kwargs: dict of string to parameter
:return: The result of the calculation as a list - each item should be the result of the application of func
to a single element.
if isinstance(partitioned_chunks, Iterable):
# since dask 2.0.0 client map no longer accepts iterables
partitioned_chunks = list(partitioned_chunks)
result = self.client.gather(
self.client.map(partial(func, **kwargs), partitioned_chunks)
return [item for sublist in result for item in sublist]
def close(self):
Closes the connection to the local Dask Scheduler
class ClusterDaskDistributor(IterableDistributorBaseClass):
Distributor using a dask cluster, meaning that the calculation is spread over a cluster
def __init__(self, address):
Sets up a distributor that connects to a Dask Scheduler to distribute the calculation of the features
:param address: the ip address and port number of the Dask Scheduler
:type address: str
from distributed import Client
self.client = Client(address=address)
def calculate_best_chunk_size(self, data_length):
Uses the number of dask workers in the cluster (during execution time, meaning when you start the extraction)
to find the optimal chunk_size.
:param data_length: A length which defines how many calculations there need to be.
:type data_length: int
n_workers = len(self.client.scheduler_info()["workers"])
chunk_size, extra = divmod(data_length, n_workers * 5)
if extra:
chunk_size += 1
return chunk_size
def distribute(self, func, partitioned_chunks, kwargs):
Calculates the features in a parallel fashion by distributing the map command to the dask workers on a cluster
:param func: the function to send to each worker.
:type func: callable
:param partitioned_chunks: The list of data chunks - each element is again
a list of chunks - and should be processed by one worker.
:type partitioned_chunks: iterable
:param kwargs: parameters for the map function
:type kwargs: dict of string to parameter
:return: The result of the calculation as a list - each item should be the result of the application of func
to a single element.
if isinstance(partitioned_chunks, Iterable):
# since dask 2.0.0 client map no longer accepts iterables
partitioned_chunks = list(partitioned_chunks)
result = self.client.gather(
self.client.map(partial(func, **kwargs), partitioned_chunks)
return [item for sublist in result for item in sublist]
def close(self):
Closes the connection to the Dask Scheduler
class MultiprocessingDistributor(IterableDistributorBaseClass):
Distributor using a multiprocessing Pool to calculate the jobs in parallel on the local machine.
def __init__(
progressbar_title="Feature Extraction",
Creates a new MultiprocessingDistributor instance
:param n_workers: How many workers should the multiprocessing pool have?
:type n_workers: int
:param disable_progressbar: whether to show a progressbar or not.
:type disable_progressbar: bool
:param progressbar_title: the title of the progressbar
:type progressbar_title: basestring
:param show_warnings: whether to show warnings or not.
:type show_warnings: bool
self.pool = Pool(
self.n_workers = n_workers
self.disable_progressbar = disable_progressbar
self.progressbar_title = progressbar_title
def distribute(self, func, partitioned_chunks, kwargs):
Calculates the features in a parallel fashion by distributing the map command to a thread pool
:param func: the function to send to each worker.
:type func: callable
:param partitioned_chunks: The list of data chunks - each element is again
a list of chunks - and should be processed by one worker.
:type partitioned_chunks: iterable
:param kwargs: parameters for the map function
:type kwargs: dict of string to parameter
:return: The result of the calculation as a list - each item should be the result of the application of func
to a single element.
return self.pool.imap_unordered(partial(func, **kwargs), partitioned_chunks)
def close(self):
Collects the result from the workers and closes the thread pool.
class ApplyDistributor(DistributorBaseClass):
def __init__(self, meta):
self.meta = meta
def map_reduce(
return data.apply(map_function, meta=self.meta, **function_kwargs)