Source code for tsfresh.feature_selection.benjamini_hochberg_test

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file as well as the whole tsfresh package are licenced under the MIT licence (see the LICENCE.txt)
# Maximilian Christ (, Blue Yonder Gmbh, 2016

[docs]def benjamini_hochberg_test(df_pvalues, hypotheses_independent, fdr_level): """ This is an implementation of the benjamini hochberg procedure [1]_ that determines if the null hypothesis for a given feature can be rejected. For this the test regards the features' p-values and controls the global false discovery rate, which is the ratio of false rejections by all rejections: .. math:: FDR = \\mathbb{E} \\left [ \\frac{ |\\text{false rejections}| }{ |\\text{all rejections}|} \\right] References ---------- .. [1] Benjamini, Yoav and Yekutieli, Daniel (2001). The control of the false discovery rate in multiple testing under dependency. Annals of statistics, 1165--1188 :param df_pvalues: This DataFrame should contain the p_values of the different hypotheses in a column named "p_values". :type df_pvalues: pandas.DataFrame :param hypotheses_independent: Can the significance of the features be assumed to be independent? Normally, this should be set to False as the features are never independent (e.g. mean and median) :type hypotheses_independent: bool :param fdr_level: The FDR level that should be respected, this is the theoretical expected percentage of irrelevant features among all created features. :type fdr_level: float :return: The same DataFrame as the input, but with an added boolean column "relevant" denoting if the null hypotheses has been rejected for a given feature. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ # Get auxiliary variables and vectors df_pvalues = df_pvalues.sort_values(by="p_value") m = len(df_pvalues) K = list(range(1, m + 1)) # Calculate the weight vector C if hypotheses_independent: # c(k) = 1 C = [1] * m else: # c(k) = \sum_{i=1}^m 1/i C = [sum([1.0 / i for i in range(1, k + 1)]) for k in K] # Calculate the vector T to compare to the p_value T = [fdr_level * k / m * 1.0 / c for k, c in zip(K, C)] # Get the last p_value for which H0 has been rejected try: k_max = list(df_pvalues.p_value <= T).index(False) except ValueError: k_max = m # Add the column denoting if null hypothesis has been rejected df_pvalues["relevant"] = [True] * k_max + [False] * (m - k_max) return df_pvalues