tsfresh.feature_selection package


tsfresh.feature_selection.feature_selector module

Contains a feature selection method that evaluates the importance of the different extracted features. To do so, for every feature the influence on the target is evaluated by an univariate tests and the p-Value is calculated. The methods that calculate the p-values are called feature selectors.

Afterwards the Benjamini Hochberg procedure which is a multiple testing procedure decides which features to keep and which to cut off (solely based on the p-values).

tsfresh.feature_selection.feature_selector.benjamini_hochberg_test(df_pvalues, settings)[source]

This is an implementation of the benjamini hochberg procedure that calculates which of the hypotheses belonging to the different p-Values from df_p to reject. While doing so, this test controls the false discovery rate, which is the ratio of false rejections by all rejections:

FDR = \mathbb{E} \left [ \frac{ |\text{false rejections}| }{ |\text{all rejections}|} \right]


[1]Benjamini, Yoav and Yekutieli, Daniel (2001). The control of the false discovery rate in multiple testing under dependency. Annals of statistics, 1165–1188
  • df_pvalues (pandas.DataFrame) – This DataFrame should contain the p_values of the different hypotheses in a column named “p_values”.
  • settings (FeatureSignificanceTestsSettings) – The settings object to use for controlling the false discovery rate (FDR_level) and whether to threat the hypothesis independent or not (hypotheses_independent).

The same DataFrame as the input, but with an added boolean column “rejected”.

Return type:


tsfresh.feature_selection.feature_selector.check_fs_sig_bh(X, y, settings=None)[source]

The wrapper function that calls the significance test functions in this package. In total, for each feature from the input pandas.DataFrame an univariate feature significance test is conducted. Those tests generate p values that are then evaluated by the Benjamini Hochberg procedure to decide which features to keep and which to delete.

We are testing

H_0 = the Feature is not relevant and can not be added


H_1 = the Feature is relevant and should be kept

or in other words

H_0 = Target and Feature are independent / the Feature has no influence on the target

H_1 = Target and Feature are associated / dependent

When the target is binary this becomes

H_0 = \left( F_{\text{target}=1} = F_{\text{target}=0} \right)

H_1 = \left( F_{\text{target}=1} \neq F_{\text{target}=0} \right)

Where F is the distribution of the target.

In the same way we can state the hypothesis when the feature is binary

H_0 =  \left( T_{\text{feature}=1} = T_{\text{feature}=0} \right)

H_1 = \left( T_{\text{feature}=1} \neq T_{\text{feature}=0} \right)

Here T is the distribution of the target.

TODO: And for real valued?


A pandas.DataFrame with each column of the input DataFrame X as index with information on the significance of this particular feature. The DataFrame has the columns “Feature”, “type” (binary, real or const), “p_value” (the significance of this feature as a p-value, lower means more significant) “rejected” (if the Benjamini Hochberg procedure rejected this feature)

Return type:


tsfresh.feature_selection.selection module

This module contains the filtering process for the extracted features. The filtering procedure can also be used on other features that are not based on time series.

tsfresh.feature_selection.selection.select_features(X, y, feature_selection_settings=None)[source]

Check the significance of all features (columns) of feature matrix X and return a possibly reduced feature matrix only containing relevant features.

The feature matrix must be a pandas.DataFrame in the format:

index feature_1 feature_2 ... feature_N
A ... ... ... ...
B ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ...

Each column will be handled as a feature and tested for its significance to the target.

The target vector must be a pandas.Series or numpy.array in the form

index target
A ...
B ...
. ...
. ...

and must contain all id’s that are in the feature matrix. If y is a numpy.array without index, it is assumed that y has the same order and length than X and the rows correspond to each other.


>>> from tsfresh.examples import load_robot_execution_failures
>>> from tsfresh import extract_features, select_features
>>> df, y = load_robot_execution_failures()
>>> X_extracted = extract_features(df, column_id='id', column_sort='time')
>>> X_selected = select_features(X_extracted, y)
  • X (pandas.DataFrame) – Feature matrix in the format mentioned before which will be reduced to only the relevant features. It can contain both binary or real-valued features at the same time.
  • y (pandas.Series or numpy.ndarray) – Target vector which is needed to test, which features are relevant. Can be binary or real-valued.
  • feature_selection_settings (FeatureSignificanceTestsSettings) – The settings to control the feature selection algorithms. See py for more information. If none is passed, the defaults will be used.

The same DataFrame as X, but possibly with reduced number of columns ( = features).

Return type:



ValueError when the target vector does not fit to the feature matrix.

tsfresh.feature_selection.settings module

class tsfresh.feature_selection.settings.FeatureSignificanceTestsSettings[source]

Bases: future.types.newobject.newobject

The settings object for controlling the feature significance tests. Normally, you do not have to handle these settings on your own, as the chosen defaults are quite sensible.

This object is passed to mostly all functions in the feature_selection submodules.

If you want non-default settings, create a new settings object and pass it to the functions, for example if you want a less conservative selection of features you could increase the fdr level to 10%.

>>> from tsfresh.feature_selection import FeatureSignificanceTestsSettings
>>> settings = FeatureSignificanceTestsSettings()
>>> settings.fdr_level = 0.1
>>> from tsfresh.feature_selection import select_features
>>> select_features(X, y, feature_selection_settings=settings)

This selection process will return more features as the fdr level was raised.

fdr_level = None

The FDR level that should be respected, this is the theoretical expected percentage of irrelevant features among all created features. E.g.

hypotheses_independent = None

Can the significance of the features be assumed to be independent? Normally, this should be set to False as the features are never independent (think about mean and median)

n_processes = None

Number of processes to use during the p-value calculation

result_dir = None

Where to store the selection import

test_for_binary_target_binary_feature = None

Which test to be used for binary target, binary feature (unused)

test_for_binary_target_real_feature = None

Which test to be used for binary target, real feature

test_for_real_target_binary_feature = None

Which test to be used for real target, binary feature (unused)

test_for_real_target_real_feature = None

Which test to be used for real target, real feature (unused)

write_selection_report = None

Whether to store the selection report after the Benjamini Hochberg procedure has finished.

tsfresh.feature_selection.significance_tests module

Contains the methods from the following paper about FRESH [2]

Fresh is based on hypothesis tests that individually check the significance of every generated feature on the target. It makes sure that only features are kept, that are relevant for the regression or classification task at hand. FRESH decide between four settings depending if the features and target are binary or not.

The four functions are named

  1. target_binary_feature_binary_test(): Target and feature are both binary
  2. target_binary_feature_real_test(): Target is binary and feature real
  3. target_real_feature_binary_test(): Target is real and the feature is binary
  4. target_real_feature_real_test(): Target and feature are both real


[2]Christ, M., Kempa-Liehr, A.W. and Feindt, M. (2016). Distributed and parallel time series feature extraction for industrial big data applications. ArXiv e-prints: 1610.07717 https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.07717
tsfresh.feature_selection.significance_tests.target_binary_feature_binary_test(x, y, settings=None)[source]

Calculate the feature significance of a binary feature to a binary target as a p-value. Use the two-sided univariate fisher test from fisher_exact() for this.


the p-value of the feature significance test. Lower p-values indicate a higher feature significance

Return type:



ValueError if the target or the feature is not binary.

tsfresh.feature_selection.significance_tests.target_binary_feature_real_test(x, y, settings)[source]

Calculate the feature significance of a real-valued feature to a binary target as a p-value. Use either the Mann-Whitney U or Kolmogorov Smirnov from mannwhitneyu() or ks_2samp() for this.


the p-value of the feature significance test. Lower p-values indicate a higher feature significance

Return type:



ValueError if the target is not binary.

tsfresh.feature_selection.significance_tests.target_real_feature_binary_test(x, y, settings=None)[source]

Calculate the feature significance of a binary feature to a real-valued target as a p-value. Use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test from from ks_2samp() for this.


the p-value of the feature significance test. Lower p-values indicate a higher feature significance.

Return type:



ValueError if the feature is not binary.

tsfresh.feature_selection.significance_tests.target_real_feature_real_test(x, y, settings=None)[source]

Calculate the feature significance of a real-valued feature to a real-valued target as a p-value. Use Kendall’s tau from kendalltau() for this.


the p-value of the feature significance test. Lower p-values indicate a higher feature significance.

Return type:


Module contents

The feature_selection module contains feature selection algorithms. Those methods were suited to pick the best explaining features out of a massive amount of features. Often the features have to be picked in situations where one has more features than samples. Traditional feature selection methods can be not suitable for such situations which is why we propose a p-value based approach that inspects the significance of the features individually to avoid overfitting and spurious correlations.