Feature extraction settings¶
When starting a new data science project involving time series you probably want to start by extracting a comprehensive set of features. Later you can identify which features are relevant for the task at hand. In the final stages, you probably want to fine tune the parameter of the features to fine tune your models.
You can do all those things with tsfresh. So, you need to know how to control which features are calculated by tsfresh and how one can adjust the parameters. In this section, we will clarify this.
For the lazy: Just let me calculate some features¶
So, to just calculate a comprehensive set of features, call the tsfresh.extract_features()
method without
passing a default_fc_parameters or kind_to_fc_parameters object, which means you are using the default options
(which will use all feature calculators in this package for what we think are sane default parameters).
For the advanced: How do I set the parameters for all kind of time series?¶
After digging deeper into your data, you maybe want to calculate more of a certain type of feature and less of another type. So, you need to use custom settings for the feature extractors. To do that with tsfresh you will have to use a custom settings object:
>>> from tsfresh.feature_extraction import ComprehensiveFCParameters
>>> settings = ComprehensiveFCParameters()
>>> # Set here the options of the settings object as shown in the paragraphs below
>>> # ...
>>> from tsfresh.feature_extraction import extract_features
>>> extract_features(df, default_fc_parameters=settings)
The default_fc_parameters is expected to be a dictionary, which maps feature calculator names
(the function names you can find in the tsfresh.feature_extraction.feature_calculators
file) to a list
of dictionaries, which are the parameters with which the function will be called (as key value pairs). Each function
parameter combination, that is in this dict will be called during the extraction and will produce a feature.
If the function does not take any parameters, the value should be set to None.
For example
fc_parameters = {
"length": None,
"large_standard_deviation": [{"r": 0.05}, {"r": 0.1}]
will produce three features: one by calling the
function without any parameters and two by calling
with r = 0.05 and r = 0.1.
So you can control, which features will be extracted, by adding/removing either keys or parameters from this dict. It is as easy as that. If you decide to not calculate the length feature here, you delete it from the dictionary:
del fc_parameters["length"]
And now, only the two other features are calculated.
For convenience, three dictionaries are predefined and can be used right away:
: includes all features without parameters and all features with parameters, each with different parameter combinations. This is the default for extract_features if you do not hand in a default_fc_parameters at all.tsfresh.feature_extraction.settings.MinimalFCParameters
: includes only a handful of features and can be used for quick tests. The features which have the “minimal” attribute are used here.tsfresh.feature_extraction.settings.EfficientFCParameters
: Mostly the same features as in thetsfresh.feature_extraction.settings.ComprehensiveFCParameters
, but without features which are marked with the “high_comp_cost” attribute. This can be used if runtime performance plays a major role.
Theoretically, you could calculate an unlimited number of features with tsfresh by adding entry after entry to the dictionary.
For the ambitious: How do I set the parameters for different type of time series?¶
It is also possible, to control the features to be extracted for the different kinds of time series individually. You can do so by passing another dictionary to the extract function as a
kind_to_fc_parameters = {“kind” : fc_parameters}
parameter. This dict must be a mapping from kind names (as string) to fc_parameters objects, which you would normally pass as an argument to the default_fc_parameters parameter.
So, for example using
kind_to_fc_parameters = {
"temperature": {"mean": None},
"pressure": {"max": None, "min": None}
will extract the “mean” feature of the “temperature” time series and the “min” and “max” of the “pressure” time series.
The kind_to_fc_parameters argument will partly override the default_fc_parameters. So, if you include a kind name in the kind_to_fc_parameters parameter, its value will be used for that kind. Other kinds will still use the default_fc_parameters.
A handy trick: Do I really have to create the dictionary by hand?¶
Not necessarily. let’s assume you have a DataFrame of tsfresh features. By using feature selection algorithms you find out that only a subgroup of features is relevant.
Then, we provide the tsfresh.feature_extraction.settings.from_columns()
method that constructs the kind_to_fc_parameters
dictionary from the column names of this filtered feature matrix to make sure that only relevant features are extracted.
This can save a huge amount of time because you prevent the calculation of uncessary features. Let’s illustrate that with an example:
# X_tsfresh containes the extracted tsfresh features
X_tsfresh = extract_features(...)
# which are now filtered to only contain relevant features
X_tsfresh_filtered = some_feature_selection(X_tsfresh, y, ....)
# we can easily construct the corresponding settings object
kind_to_fc_parameters = tsfresh.feature_extraction.settings.from_columns(X_tsfresh_filtered)
this will construct you the kind_to_fc_parameters dictionary that corresponds to the features and parameters (!) from the tsfresh features that were filtered by the some_feature_selection feature selection algorithm.